2012 January
- Ainsworth, Jim H.: How to become a successful financial consultant
- The challenge of development
- Darvas Zsolt: Business cycle synchronization in the enlarged EU: Comovements in the new and old members
- Doing business in a more transparent world
- Economic policy of Poland in the integrating Europe 2006-2007
- Economy and foreign trade of Poland in 2004
- Gas price policies
- Götzenberger, Anton-Rudolf: Schwarzgeld-anlage in der Praxis
- Groot, Henri L. F. de - Nahuis, Richard - Tang, Paul J. G.: Is the American model miss world?
- Huizinga, Frederik - Broer, Peter: Wage moderation and labour productivity
- The Hungarian labour market
- Integrating the enterprise sphere of Central European countries in transition into European corporate structures
- Jeder Euro ist hart verdient
- Mulder, Machiel - Zwart, Gijsbert: Government involvement in liberalised gas markets
- Salomaki, Aino: Remain in or withdraw from the labour market?
- Speck, Stefan - Mulder, Machiel: Competition on European energy markets
- Thiel, Elke: Dollar-Dominanz, Lastenteilung und amerikanische Truppenpräsenz in Europa
- World economic outlook
- Beteiligungsfinanzierung
- Blanco, Luis Ortiz: Market power in EU antitrust law
- Essays of Faculty of Law University of Pécs Yearbook of 2011
- Europaische Union
- Europaischer Kontext der Entwicklung des Privatrechts auf dem Gebiet der Tschechischen Republik
- Five years of EU membership
- Fox, William F.: Understanding administrative law
- Hamilton, Robert W.: The law of corporations
- Handbook on identity-related crime
- Hurdík, Jan - Polcák, Radim - Smejkalová, Terezie: Czech law in European regulatory context
- International law - a quiet strength
- Magister Scientiae et Republicae
- Opuscula Szegediensia 3., 4.
- Organized crime and instability in Central Africa
- Pleadings
- Quot capita, tot sententiae
- Studia Iuridica Caroliensia 6.
- Travaux préparatoires of the negotiations for the elaboration of the United Nations convention against corruption
- Treaties establishing the European Communities (ECSC, EEC, EAEC)
Politics, European Union:
- 2011 global study on homicide
- Ágh Attila: Institutional design and regional capacity-building in the post accession period
- Baneth András: The ultimate eu test book
- EU - Russian Relations and the Eastern Partnership
- On the state of the EU integration process, vol. 1.
- World development report 2012
Sociology, social sciences:
- Explore Korea through Statistics 2007
- International handbook of globalization and world cities
- Local government finance in times of crisis: an early assessment
- The NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy
- Urban sprawl in Europe
- Migration in higher education
- Wößmann, Ludger: European "education production functions" : what makes a difference for students achievement in Europe?
Natural sciences:
- Prohl Andreas: Projection and quasi-compressibility methods for solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
- Ross, A. J.: Electromathematics
Marketing, management:
- Bencsik Andrea: Small and silly?
- Bly, Robert W.: Selling your services
- Dressler, Melanie: Events und Veranstaltungen professionell managen
- Enabling busieness in resources management
- Gansterer, Helmut A.: Das Lernen. Der Geist. Die Siege.
- Kralicek, Peter: Bilanzen lesen
- Lorünser, Marc - Maier, Andreas: Online day trading für Einsteiger
- Malik, Fredmund: Führen, Leisten, Leben
- Morgenstern, Julie: Time management from the inside out
- Public relations
- Schiffman Stephan: Cold calling techniques
- Schwarz, Torsten: Permission macht Kunden süchtig
- Autodata 2012
- Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists
- Kellermann, Daniel: Ratgeber Umwelt- und Erneuerbare Energie Beteiligungen
- Isaacson, Walter: Steve Jobs
- Korst, Jan: Multimedia storage and retrieval
- Kroenke, David M.: MIS essentials
- Li, Qing - Yao, Caroline: Real-time concepts for embedded systems
Health care, social work:
- Directory : Non-governmental organizations and drug abuse prevention, treatment and rehabilitation
- Guidelines for the safe handling and disposal of chemicals used in the illicit manufacture of drugs
- Guidelines for the treatment of drug dependence: a European perspective
- Measurement issues in drug policy analysis
- Mortality related to drug use in Europe: public health implications
- The state of the drugs problem in Europe
- Tolle, Eckhart: Leben im Jetzt
Language books:
- English as a global language
- Globish
- Walker, Robin - Harding, Keith: Tourism 2
- Commer, Heinz - Thadden, von Johannes: Managerknigge 2000
- Sartre, Jean-Paul: Being and nothingness
- Törnqvist, Gunnar: The geography of creativity
- Welty, Roger: The Thai and I