2012 May
- Ascent after decline
- Godley, Wynne - Lavoie, Marc: Monetary economics
- OECD economic surveys: Hungary 2012
- Rural tourism and sustainable business
- The basic law of Hungary
- Recent developments in European and Hungarian Competition Law
Natural sciences:
- Knight, Randall D.: Physics for scientists and engineers
- Knight, Randall D. - Jones, Brian: College physics
- McIntyre, David H.: Quantum mechanics
- Young, Hugh D.: Sears & Zemansky's college physics
- Rockley, Ann: Managing enterprise content
- Étude sur les transports maritimes 2010
- Fundamentals of thermal-fluid sciences
- Hughes, Edward: Electrical and electronic technology
- Review of maritime transport 2011
- Sensortechnik aktuell 2012
- Bluttman, Ken - Ballew, Joli: Adobe Photoshop elements 10
- Chun, Wesley J.: Core Python application programming
- Deitel, Paul: Internet & world wide web
- Hanselman, Duane: Mastering MATLAB
- Hogan, Lynn - Rutledge, Amy: Practical computing
- Kloss, Jörg H.: Android apps with app inventor
- Pfleeger, Charles P.: Analyzing computer security
- Ullman, Larry: Modern JavaScript
- Arbeiterviertel und Arbeiterstädte zwischen 1750 und 1950
- Best tall buildings 2011
- Virdi, Surinder Singh: Construction science and materials
Health care:
- Dewhurst's textbook of obstetrics & gynaecology
Language books:
- Marin, T.: La prova orale 1.
- Marin, T.: La prova orale 2.