2013 February
- Handbook of public policy. (ed. by B. Guy Peters and Jon Pierre)
- Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship Policies in Central and Eastern Europe. (ed. by Friederike Welter, David Smallbone)
- The Hungarian labour market : in focus: the evaluation of active labour market programs. (ed. by Károly Fazekas, Gábor Kézdi)
- Theories of urban politics. (ed. by Jonathan S. Davies and David L. Imbroscio)
- Acta Facultatis Politico-iuridicae Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae : tom. XLVIII, ann. 2011. (fel.szerk. Földi András)
- Acta Iuvenum Caroliensia 3. (szerk. Deák Beáta)
- Collectio iuridica Universitatis Debreceniensis 8. (szerk. Görgényi Ilona [et al.])
- Constitution for a disunited nation : on Hungary's 2011 fundamental law (ed. by Gábor Attila Tóth)
- Contemporary legal challenges: EU - Hungary - Croatia. (Tímea Drinóczi [et al.] ed.s)
- Essays of Faculty of Law University of Pécs Yearbook of 2012. (editor-in-chief Balogh Zsolt György)
- Forum. Acta juridica et politica. (főszerk. Homoki-Nagy Mária)
- Gellér Balázs József: Legality on trial : A theoretical analysis of the legality of substantive criminal norms
- International law - a quiet strength : miscellanea in memoriam Géza Herczegh = Le droit international, une force tranquille. (ed. by Péter Kovács [et al.])
- Il me semblait que j'étais moi-méme ce dont parlait l'ouvrage : Liber amicorum Endre Ferenczy. (szerk. Boóc Ádám, Fekete Balázs)
- Palombella, Gianluigi: Costituzione e sovranitá : II senso della democrazia constituzionale
- Recent developments in European and Hungarian Competition Law. (ed. by András Osztovits)
Politics, European Union:
- Ágh Attila: Progress report on the new member states : Twenty years of social and political developments
- European futures : The perspectives of the new member states in the new Europe. (Attila Ágh, László Vass ed.s)
- Kadhafi, Moammar el: Le livre vert : premiere partie : La solution du probléme de la Demokratie "Le pouvoir du peuple"
- A peaceful world is possible : in honour of Judit Balázs. (ed. by Attila Fábián)
Sociology, social sciences:
- Berleur, Jacques - Hercheui, Magda David - Hilty, Lorenz M.: What kind of information society? : Governance, virtuality, surveillance, sustainability, resilience
- Electronic government. (Maria A. Wimmer [et al.] eds.)
- Häusermann, Silja: The politics of welfare state reform in continental Europe : Modernization in hard times
- Key competencies in the knowledge society : proceedings. (Nicholas Reynolds, Márta Turcsányi-Szabó ed.s)
- Prell, Christina: Social network analysis : History, theory & methodology
- The SAGE handbook of social network analysis. (ed. by John Scott and Peter J. Carrington)
Pedaggy, psychology:
- Skill formation : Interdisciplinary and cross-national perspectives. (ed. by Karl Ulrich Mayer, Heike Solga)
- Artificial intelligence : An international perspective. (Max Bramer eds.)
- Artificial intelligence in theory and practice : proceedings. (Max Bramer eds.)
- Bathe, Kalus-Jürgen:Finite-Elemente-Methoden
- Fuzzy cognitive maps : advances in theory, methodologies, tools and applications. (ed. Michael Glykas)
- Lee, Yung-Li - Barkey, Mark E. - Kang, Hong-Tae: Metal fatigue analysis handbook : practical problem-solving techniques for computeraided engineering
- Jung, Michael - Langer, Ulrich: Methode der finiten Elemente für Ingenieure : Eine Einführung in die numerischen Grundlagen und Computersimulation
- System modeling and optimization. (Adam Korytowski [et al.] eds.)
- Tenenev, Valentin A. - Yakimovich, Boris A.: Practice of genetic algorithms : monograph
- Theoretical computer science. (Christian S. Calude, Vladimiro Sassone eds.)
- Thorby, Douglas: Structural dynamics and vibration in practice : an engineering handbook
Marketing, management:
- Collaborative networks for a sustainable world. (Luis M. Camarinha-Matos, Xavier Boucher, Hamideh Afsarmanesh ed.s)
- Enterprise architecture, integration and interoperability. (Peter Bernus, Guy Doumeingts, Mark Fox ed.s)
- Handbook of Islamic Marketing. (ed. by Özlem Sandikci, Gillian Rice)
- Information systems - creativity and innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises. (Gurpreet Dhillon, Bernd Carsten Stahl, Richard Baskerville ed.s)
- International Research Handbook on Successful Women Entrepreneurs. (ed. by Sandra L. Fielden, Marilyn J. Davidson)
- Leveraging knowledge for innovation in collaborative networks. (Luis M. Camarinha-Matos, Iraklis Paraskakis, Hamideh Afsarmanesh ed.s)
- Odegov, Y. G. - Rudenko, G. G. - Galiakhmetov, R. A.: Personnel management
- Asphalt Paving Technology : Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists : Austin, Texas, April 1-4, 2012.
- Wired-wireless multimedia networks and services management. (Tom Pfeifer, Paolo Bellavista ed.s)
- Wireless and mobile networking : proceedings. (Jozef Wozniak [et al.] ed.s)
- Advances in digital forensics 5. (Gilbert Peterson, Sujeet Shenoi ed.s)
- Advances in digital forensics 6. (Kam-Pui Chow, Sujeet Shenoi ed.s)
- Analysis, architectures and modelling of embedded systems : Proceedings (Achim Rettberg [et al.] eds.)
- Artificial intelligence applications and innovations : Proceedings. (Harris Papadopoulos, Andreas S. Andreou, Max Bramer eds.)
- Communications : Wireless in developing countries and networks of the future. (Ana Pont, Guy Pujolle, S. V. Raghavan ed.s)
- Critical infrastructure protection 3. (Charles Palmer, Sujeet Shenoi ed.s)
- Critical infrastructure protection 4. (Tyler Moore, Sujeet Shenoi ed.s)
- Cultural computing. (Ryohei Nakatsu [et al.] eds.)
- Education and technology for a better World : Proceedings. (Arthur Tatnall, Anthony Jones eds.)
- Electronic participation. (ed.s Efthimos Tambouris, Ann Macintosh, Olivier Glassey)
- Entertainment computing (ICEC 2009). (ed. by Stéphane Natkin, Jérôme Dupire)
- Entertainment computing (ICEC 2010). (ed. by Hyun Seung Yang [et al.])
- The future of identity in the information society. (Vashek Matyáš [et al.] ed.s)
- Growth and development of computer-aided innovation. (Runhua Tan, Guozhong Cao, Noel León eds.)
- History of computing : Learning from the past. (Arthur Tatnall ed.)
- History of Nordic computing 2. (John Impagliazzo, Timo Järvi, Petri Paju eds.)
- Human-computer interaction : INTERACT 2009. (Tom Gross [et al.] eds.)
- Human-computer interaction : proceedings. (Peter Forbrig, Fabio Paternó, Annelise Mark Pejtersen eds.)
- iNetSec 2009 : Open research problems in network security. (Jan Camenisch, Dogan Kesdogan ed.s)
- Intelligent Information Processing V. (Zhongzhi Shi [et al.] ed.s)
- Middleware 2009 : Proceedings. (Jean M. Bacon, Brian F. Cooper eds.)
- Middleware 2010 : Proceedings. (Indranil Gupta, Cecilia Mascolo eds.)
- Network and parallel computing : Proceedings. (Chen Ding, Zhiyuan Shao, Ran Zheng ed.s)
- Policies and research in identity management. (Elisabeth de Leeuw, Simone Fischer-Hübner, Lothar Fritsch ed.s)
- Self-Organizing Systems : Proceedings. (eds. Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos, Karin Anna Hummel)
- Software services for e-Business and e-Society. (Claude Godart [et al.] ed.s)
- Software services for e-World. (Wojciech Cellary, Elsa Estevez ed.s)
- Software Technologies for Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems : Proceedings. (Sang Lyul Min [et al.] eds.)
- Software Technologies for Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems : Proceedings (Sunggu Lee, Priya Narasimhan eds.)
- Testing of software and communication systems : proceedings. (Manuel Núñez, Paul Baker, Mercedes G. Merayo eds.)
- Testing Software and Systems : Proceedings. (Alexandre Petrenko, Adenilso Simäo, José Carlos Maldonado eds.)
Health care, social work:
- Protocols for high-risk pregnancies : An evidence-based approach. (ed. by John T. Queenan, John C. Hobbins, Catherine Y. Spong)
- Quinney, Anne - Hafford-Letchfield, Trish: Interprofessional social work : Effective collaborative approaches
Music and arts:
- Debussy, Claude: Premier rhapsody for clarinet and orchestra : conductor's score
- Debussy, Claude: Premier rhapsody for clarinet and orchestra : set of parts
Language books:
- Radványi Tamás - Székács Györgyné: English for business and everyday use : Középfokú társalgási és üzleti nyelvkönyv
- Auflösung historischer Konflikte im Donauraum : Festschrift für Ferenc Glatz zum 70. Geburtstag. (hrsg. Arnold Suppan)
- Győr, the royal borough : 1271-2011 : Válogatás a Városi Levéltár kincseiből. (szerk. Bana József, Baracskai András)
- Problems of the world agriculture : Scientific journal. (ed.s Marcin Bukowski [et al.])