2013 March
- Buchanan, James M. The demand and supply of public goods
- Business networks in clusters and industrial districts : The governance of the global value chain (ed. by Fiorenza Belussi, Alessia Sammarra)
- Cross-border governance and sustainable spatial development : Mind the gaps! (eds. Markus Leibenath, Ewa Korcelli-Olejniczak, Robert Knippschild)
- Entrepreneurship and innovations in functional regions. (ed. by Charlie Karlsson, Roger R. Stough, Börje Johansson)
- Erhardt, Michael C. - Brigham, Eugene F.: Financial management : theory and practice
- Foundations of the knowledge economy : Innovation, learning and clusters. (ed. by Knut Ingar Westeren)
- Herrschel, Tassilo - Newman, Peter: Governance of Europe's city regions : Planning, policy and politics
- Isard, Walter - Langford, Thomas W.: Regional input-output study : Recollections, refelctions and diverse notes on the Philadelphia experience
- The knowledge economy at work : Skills and innovation in knowledge intensive service activities. (ed. by Cristina Martinez-Fernandez, Ian Miles, Tamara Weyman)
- Kruschwitz, Lutz: Investitionsrechnung
- Kruschwitz, Lutz - Hushmann, Sven: Finanzierung und Investition
- Marshall, Stewart - Taylor, Wall - Xinghuo Yu: Using community informatics to transform regions
- Mayer, Heike: Entrepreneurship and innovation in second tier regions
- Metropolregionen in der Wissensökonomie (Frank Roost hrsg.)
- Pigou, A. C.: A study in public finance
- Potts, Jason: Creative industries and economic evolution
- Prigge, Rolf - Schwarzer, Thomas: Gross städte zwischen Hierarchie Wettbewerb und Kooperation
- Rainie, Lee - Wellmann, Barry: Networked : The new social operating system
- Räume der Wissensökonomie : Implikationen für das deutsche Städtesystem. (hrsg. Hans Joachim Kujath, Sabine Zillmer)
- Regionalism contested : institution, society and governance. (ed. by Iwona Sagan, Henrik Halkier)
- Spatial scenarios in a global perspective : Europe and the Latin Arc countries. (ed. by Roberto Camagni, Roberta Capello)
- Stiglitz, Joseph E.: Economics of the public sector
- Transformation of cities in Central and Eastern Europe : Towards globalization. (ed. by F. E. Ian Hamilton, Kaliopa Dimitrovska Andrews and Natasa Pichler-Milanovic)
- Varieties of capitalism : The institutional foundations of comparative advantage. (ed. by Peter A. Hall and David Soskice)
- Wissens- und Technologietransfer als Innovationstreiber : Mit Beispielen aus der Materialforschung. (hrsg. Klaus-Rainer Bräutigam , Alexander Gerybadze)
- Wissensbasierte Dienstleister in Metropolräumen. (hrsg. Hubert Heinelt, Hans Joachim Kujath, Karsten Zimmermann)
- The foreseeable reforms of regulation 1/2003 regarding the European Competition Network and the cooperation with national jurisdictions. (ed. Marie-Charlotte Rouzier and Lili Kardos)
- Schwintowski, Hans-Peter: Wettbewerbsrecht (GWB/UWG)
Politics, European Union:
- Nobles, Melissa: Shades of citizenship : Race and the census in modern politics
- Das Staatsoberhaupt in der Zwischenkriegszeit. (ed. Wilhelm Brauneder, István Szabó)
Sociology, social sciences:
- Adams, Paul: Grouped : How small groups of friends are the key to influence on the social web
- The age of dualization : The changing face of inequality in deindustrializing societies. (ed. by Patrick Emmenegger [et al.])
- Artle, Roland: The structure of Stockholm economy : Toward a framework for projecting metropolitan community development
- Cities in city regions. Governing the diversity. (ed. by Jan Erling Klausen and Pawel Swianiewicz)
- Community informatics : Shaping computer-mediated social relations. (ed. by Leigh Keeble and Brian D. Loader)
- Community practice in the network society : Local action / global interaction. (ed. by Peter Day and Douglas Schuler)
- Czepczynski, Mariusz: Cultural landscapes post-socialist cities : Representation of powers and needs
- Decentralizing governance : emerging concepts and practices. (G. Shabbir Cheema, Dennis A. Rondinelli ed.)
- Handbook of research methods on trust. (ed. by Fergus Lyon, Guido Möllering, Mark N. K. Saunders)
- The handbook of social capital. (ed. by Dario Castiglione, Jan W. van Deth and Guglielmo Wollebb)
- Kadushin, Charles: Understanding social networks : theories, concepts and findings
- New risks, new welfare : The transformation of the European welfare state (ed. by Peter Taylor-Gooby)
- Putnam, Robert D. - Felstein, Lewis M.: Better together : Restoring the American Community
- Tonkiss, Fran: Space, the City and Social Theory : Social Relations and Urban Forms
- Treiman, Donald J.: Quantitative data analysis : Doing social research to test ideas
- Understanding the City : Contemporary and future perspectives. (ed. by John Eade and Christopher Mele)
- Makridakis, Spyros: Forecasting : Methods and Applications
- A handbook of transport econimics. (ed. by André de Palma [et al.])
- Heimann, Bodo: Mechatronik : Komponenten, Methoden, Beispiele
- Koser, Uwe [et al.]: Kompendium der Produktionstechnik = Gyártástechnológiai kézikönyv
- Montage in der industriellen Produktion : Ein Hnadbuch für die Praxis. (Bruno Lotter, Hans-Peter Wiendahl hrsg.)
- Quinet, Emile - Vickerman, Roger: Principles of transport economics
- Vaughan, Rodney: Urban spatial traffic patterns
Marketing, management:
- Open Innovation umsetzen : Prozesse, Methoden, Systeme, Kultur. (hrsg. Serhan Ili)
- Platforms of innovation : Dynamics of new industrial knowledge flows. (ed. by Philip Cooke [et al.])
- User-based innovation in services. (ed. by Jon Sundbo, Marja Toivonen)
- Castells, Manuel: The Informational City : Information Technology, Economic Restructuring, and the Urban-Regional Process
- The Internet in Everyday Life. (ed. by Barry Wellman, Caroline Haythornthwaite)
- Cities after socialism : Urban and regional change and conflict in post-socialist societies. (ed. by Gregory Andrusz, Michael Harloe, Ivan Szelenyi)
- Haughton, Graham [et al.]: The new spatial planning : Territorial management with soft spaces and fuzzy boundaries
- Nuijsink, Cathelijne: How to make a Japanese house
Health care, social work:
- Collaboration in social work practice. (ed. by Jenny Weinstein, Colin Whittington and Tony Leiba)
- Interprofessional working in health and social care : Theory and practice. (ed. by Katherine C. Pollard, Judith Thomas and Margaret Miers)
- Interprofessional working in health and social care : Professional perspectives. (ed. by Gillian Barrett, Derek Sellman and Judith Thomas)
- Practising social work in a complex world. (ed. by Robert Adams, Lena Dominelli and Malcolm Payne)
- Dreyer, Hilke - Schmitt, Richard: Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik
- Bounds, Michael: Urban social theory : City, self and society
- The castells reader on cities and social theory. (ed. by Ida Susser)