2013 November
- Amihud, Yakov - Mendelson, Haim - Pedersen, Lasse Heje: Market liquidity : Asset pricing, risk and crises
- Book of lists, 2013-2014 : Guide to Hungarian business and services = Listák könyve 2013-2014 : Magyarország üzleti kalauza. (ed.-in-chief/főszerk. Fischer Patrícia)
- Economic reform in India : Challenges, prospects and lessons. (ed. by Nicholas C. Hope)
- Hideaki Aoyama [et al.]: Econophysics and companies : Statistical life and death in complex business networks
- Kline, Rex B.: Principles and practice of structural equation modeling
- Martin, Vince - Hurn, Stan - Harris, David: Econometric modelling with time series : Specification, estimation and testing
- McCann, Hilton: Offshore finance
- McGrady, Benn: Trade and public health : The WTO, tobacco, alcohol and diet
- Nayyar, Gaurav: The service sector in India's development
- The political economy of agricultural price distortions (ed. by Kym Anderson)
- Botzen, W. J. Wouter: Managing extreme climate change risks through insurance
- Essays of Faculty of Law University of Pécs Yearbook of 2013. (ed.-in-chief. Balogh Zsolt György)
- Jubilee Volume : First 5 years of the postgraduale doctoral school of law and political sciences Széchenyi István University. (szerk. Kecskés Gábor)
- Privacy in the workplace. Data protection law and self-regulation in Germany and Hungary. (ed. Gergely László Szőke)
- The transformation of the Hungarian legal system, 2010-2013 (ed. Péter Smuk)
- Az ügyészek büntetőjogon kívüli tevékenysége = The role of presecutors outside the criminal law field. (szerk./ed. by Varga Zs. András, Pintér Zsuzsanna)
Pedagogy, psyichology:
- Cain, Susan: Quiet : The power introverts in a world that can't stop talking
- Goldstein, E. Bruce: Cognitive psychology
Sociology, social sciences:
- Frijters, Paul - Foster, Gigi: An economic theory of greed, love, groups and networks
Natural sciences:
- Andersson, Bengt [et al.]: Computational fluid dynamics for engineers
- Asano, Akihito: An introduction to mathematics for economics
- Crames, J. S.:Logit models from economics and other fields
- Everitt, Brian S. [et al.]: Cluster analysis
- Graves, Philip E.: Environmental economics : An integrated approach
- Miller, Ronald E. - Blair, Peter D.: Input-output analysis : foundations and extensions
- Sauer, Petr [et al.]: Visegrád Countries : Environmental Problems and Policies
- The Hungarian aeronautics R&D sector
- Manolakis, Dimitris G. - Ingle, Vinay K.: Applied digital signal processing : theory and practice
- Perahia, Eldad - Stacey, Robert: Next generation wireless LANs : 802.11n and 802.11ac
- Shimokawa, Koichi:Japan and the global automotive industry
Marketing, management:
- Carmichael, David G.: Problem solving for engineers
- Marketing theory and practice : A Hungarian perspective. (ed. by József Berács [et al.])
- Ray, Subhash C.: Data envelopment analysis : Theory and techniques for economics and operations research
- Sachs, Sybille - Rühli, Edwin: Stakeholders matter : A new paradigm for strategy in society
- Jahren, Per - Sui, Tongbo: Concrete and sustainability
- Lam, Dennis Ang, Thien-Cheong Chiew, Sing-Ping: Structural steelwork : Design to limit state theory
Health care, social work:
- Budzynski, Thomas H. [et al.]: Introduction to quantitative EEG and neurofeedback : Advanced theory and applications
- Reading EEGs : A practical approach. (ed. by L. John Greenfield, James D. Geyer, Paul R. Carney)
Music, art:
- Bellák Gábor [et al.]: A thousand years of art in Hungary
- Blair, Roger D.: Sports economics