Renewed on repository!

Renewed on repository!

Click on the picture to see PDF form!

ClinicalKey trial period

ClinicalKey trial period

Click on the picture to see PDF form!

SAGE Publications

SAGE Publications

Click on the picture to see PDF form!

Osmosis free trial

Osmosis free trial

Click on the picture to see PDF form!

Board games

Board games

We are pleased to inform our library users that we have added a new service!

You can now also play our board games - available for on-site use during opening hours.

You need a card number, acceptance of the library policy and a signature to use the games! You can try out games locally in the Kid’s Corner.

Have a good time!

PatLib Centre

What are PATLIBs? 

If you lack the time, resources or experience to dedicate to patent searching or strategy, our PATent LIBrary centre can certainly help. 

For more information on PATLIB centres, visit the website:

Our PATLIB CENTER offers the following services:

IP rights covered



Supplementary protection certificate (SPC)


Utility models

Services covered

Assessment of economic potential of an invention

Helpdesk services

IP monitoring services

IP strategy development

Patent clinics

Provision of intellectual property documentation

Public reading room

Search services

Statistical analysis of patent data




Centre Library (9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1.)

IS 004 office (next to the reception desk)

Name Zsófia Tóth
Tel +36 96 613-717