Library of Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law and Political Sciences


The Law Library of the Ferenc Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Széchenyi István University serves the education and research work of the faculty and actively participates in the acquisition of information culture.On 26 November 2003, the renewed library was opened in the new building of the Faculty of Law.  

The University's law library provides law students with a wide range of support for their studies. Some 15,000 books and nearly 60 Hungarian journals help them to broaden their knowledge, and there are also a number of computers available to students, enabling them to use not only Hungarian but also foreign legal databases.

As a public university library, it collects, organises, makes available and disseminates traditional and electronic versions of domestic and international legal literature, and cooperates with other libraries in the operation of the library information supply system.


The history of the Law Library of the Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Széchenyi István University in the former Győr Kir. The history of the Győr Law Academy is also part of the history of the Győr Law Academy. In 1892, when the Győr Law Academy was forced to close, the library consisted of 8651 volumes and booklets. The library stock was transferred by decree of the Minister of Religion and Public Education to the Royal Academy of Music in Bratislava. The library was transferred to the Law Academy in Bratislava, so that the library of the modern law school had to be started from a completely new basis. When the Győr Law School was reopened in 1995, the Győr Law Library was reopened again, and on 26 November 2003 the new library was opened in the new building of the Law School. The University Law Library provides law students with a wide range of support for their studies. Some 15,000 books and nearly 60 Hungarian journals help students to broaden their knowledge and there are also a number of computers available to them, enabling them to use legal databases not only in Hungary but also abroad.

Twenty per cent of the library's stock is housed in the open shelved reading room, and ten per cent of the library's pre-1945 books, bulletins and journals are housed in locked cabinets. The library's services include on-site reading and learning and the use of discovery tools. The library is also responsible for the use of information databases, inter-library loans and the provision of literature information.

The open shelving in the reading room is arranged thematically and consists of: manuals, collections of legislation, law and closely related social sciences. The open shelf books in the reading room are listed in both the alphabetical catalogue and the computer catalogue. As a public university library, it collects, catalogues and makes available for ordering and disseminates traditional and electronic documents of national and international literature, and cooperates with other libraries in the systematic management of library information.

It serves the training and research activities of the Faculty of Law and is actively involved in the acquisition of an information culture.


Click here to see the opening hours of the library


Address 9026 Győr, Áldozat u. 12.
Telephone 96/613-559
Librarian Zalán Biczó