2013 May
- Brautigam, Deborah: The dragon's gift : The real story of China in Africa
- LeRoy Miller, Roger: Economics today : the macro view
- LeRoy Miller, Roger: Economics today : the micro view
- McCann, Philip: Modern urban and regional economics
- Murphy, John J.: Study guide for technical analysis of the financial markets : A comprehensive guide to trading methods and applications
- O'Sullivan, Arthur - Sheffrin, Steven M. - Perez, Stephen J.: Microeconomics : Principles, applications and tools
- The Oxford handbook of the digital economy. (ed. by Martin Peitz and Joel Waldfogel)
- The Oxford handbook of the Indian economy. (ed. by Chetan Ghate)
- Sloman, John - Garratt, Dean: Essentials of economics
- Yueh, Linda: China's growth : The making of an economic superpower
- Wijst, Nico van der : Finance : A quantitative introduction
- Coppel, Philip: Information rights : Law and practice
- Corpus iuris civilis : Text und Übersetzung : Band V. Digesten 28-34. (... hrsg. von Rolf Knütel [et al.])
- Crawford, James: Brownlie's principles of public international law
- D'Aspremont, Jean:Formalism and the sources of international law : a theory of the ascertainment of legal rules
- Dix, Alexander: Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit : Landes-, Bundes-, Europa- und Völkerrecht : Stand: 1. August 2011
- Federal rules of evidence : 2012-2013 edition. (prep. by Daniel J. Capra)
- Fish, Jacqueline T. - Miller, Larry S. - Braswell, Michael C.: Crime scene investigation
- Hamza Gábor: Iura antiqua ac iura moderna methodo comparativa investigata 3. : opera selecta = Ausgewahlte Schriften zur antiken Rechtsgeschichte, zur Rechtsvergleichung un dzum geltenden Recht 3.
- The history of international law. (ed. by Bardo Fassbender and Anne Peters)
- Lepard, Brian D.: Customary international law : a new theory with practical applications
- Mueller, Christopher B. - Kirkpatrick, Laird C.: Evidence under the rules : text, cases, and problems
- Pyrek, Kelly M.: Forensic science under siege : The challenges of forensic laboratories and the medicolegal death investigation
- Routledge handbook of media law. (ed. by Monroe E. Price, Stefaan G. Verhulst, Libby Morgan)
- Vanderkolk, John R.: Forensic comparative science : Qualitative quantitative source determination of unique impressions, images and objects
Politics, European Union:
- 20 years : Association of Central and Eastern European Election Officials, 1991-2011 : Development of the electoral management bodies. (ed.-in-chief István Zsuffa)
- Gore, Al: The assault on reason
Sociology, social sciences:
- Putnam, Robert D.: Bowling alone : The collapse and revival of American community
- Teddlie, Charles - Tashakkori, Abbas: Foundations of mixed methods research : Integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches in the social and behavioral sciences
Pedagogy, psychology:
- Cappelli, Peter: Talent on demand : Managing talent in an age of uncertainty
- Graham, Carol: Happiness around the world : The paradox of happy peasants and miserable millionaires
Natural sciences:
- Battaglia, Jean-Luc: Heat transfer in materials forming processes : with exercises and solutions
- Bölter, Ralf: Design von Aktoren mit magnetorheologischen Flüssigkeiten
- Karpfinger, Christian - Meyberg, Kurt: Algebra : Gruppen - Ringe - Körper
- Magnus, Kurt - Popp, Karl - Sextro, Walter: Schwingungen : Physikalische Grundlagen und matematische Behandlung von Schwingungen
- Regulations for seismic design a world list - 2004
- Richard, Hans Albert - Sander, Manuela: Technische Mechanik. Festigkeitslehre : Lehrbuch mit Praxisbeispielen, Klausuraufgaben und Lösungen
- Watter, Holger: Hydraulik und Pneumatik : Grundlagen und Übungen - Anwendungen und Simulation
- Ashby, M. F. [et al.]: Metal foams : A design guide
- Banabic, Dorel:Advanced methods in material forming
- Banabic, Dorel: Sheet metal forming processes : constitutive modelling and numerical simulation
- Choi, Seung-Bok - Han, Young-Min: Magnetorheological fluid technology : applications in vehicle systems
- Hellier, Charles J.: Handbook of nondestructive evaluation
- Janocha, Hartmut: Unkonventionelle Aktoren : eine Einführung
- Lowy, Daniel A.: An electrochemical journey at the nano scale : gold nanoclusters and nanobatteries
- Ping Hu [et al.]: Theories, methods and numerical technology of sheet metal cold and hot forming : Analysis, simulation and engineering applications
- Shinar, David: Traffic safety and human behaviour
- Stieglitz, Robert - Heinzel, Volker: Thermische Solarenergie : Grundlagen, Technologie, Anwendungen
- Theeuwes, Jan - Horst, Richard van der - Kuiken, Maria: Designing safe road systems : a human factors perspective
- Vehicle industry and competitiveness of regions in Central and Eastern Europe. (ed. by János Rechnitzer, Melinda Smahó)
- Watter, Holger: Regenerative Energiesysteme : Systemtechnik und Beispiele nachhaltiger Energiesysteme aus der Praxis
- Werzeugmaschinen : Aufbau, Funktion und Anwendung von spanenden und abtragenden Werkzeugmaschinen. (hrsg. Reimund Neugebauer)
- Windkraftanlagen : Grundlagen, Entwurf, Planung und Betrieb. (hrsg. Robert Gasch, Jochen Twele)
Marketing, management:
- Altstiel, Tom - Grow, Jean: Advertising creative : Strategy, copy, design
- Berk, Jonathan - DeMarzo, Peter: Corporate finance : The core
- Berkun, Scott: Making things happen : Mastering project management
- Bovée, Courtland L. - Thill, John V.: Business communication essentials
- Chang, Kuang-Hua: Mechanism design with Creo Elements/Pro 5.0 : Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0
- Covel, Michael W.: Trend following : Learn to make millions in up or down markets
- Christopher, Martin: Logistics & supply chain management : Creating value-adding networks
- DeMarco, Tom - Lister, Timothy: Peopleware : Productive projects and teams
- Lödding, Hermann: Handbook of manufacturing control : Fundamentals, description, configuration
- Miller, Michael: Web words that work : writing online copy that sells
- Watson, Michael [et al.]: Supply chain network design : Applying optimization and analytics to the global supply chain
- Biocca Zakhour, Sharon - Kannan, Sowmya - Gallardo, Raymond : The Java tutorial : A short course on the basics
- Brooks, Frederick P.: The mythical man-month : Essays on software engineering
- Carlberg, Conrad: Business analysis: Microsoft Excel 2010
- Cohn, Mike: Succeeding with agile : Software development using scrum
- Gonzalez, Rafael C. - Woods, Richard E.: Digital image processing
- Guernsey, Max: Test-driven database development : Unlocking agility
- Martin, Robert C. - Martin, Micah: Agile principles, patterns, and practices in C#
- McConnell, Steve: Rapid development : Taming wild software schedules
- Gebäudehüllen für das 21. Jahrhundert : special bau 2013 = Building envelopes for the 21st century : special bau 2013. (ed. Winfried Heusler)