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Clarivate Analytics- Web of Science
(magyar nyelvű webináriumok)
Folyóiratok kiválasztása a Web of Science és a Clarivate eszközök felhasználási lehetőségei
A folyóiartok elemzési lehetőségeinek folyamatos fejlődése
Óriások vállán álltam – a tudományos irodalom feltérképezése a Web of Science platformon
Szabadalmak keresése, vizualizálása és elemzése az innovációs ciklusban
Clarivate szerepe az innovációs ciklusban
(angol nyelvű webináriumok)
The Power of Data: Beyond the basics (Passcode: #3dgGFJF)
Beyond desk research, Scopus data can be analyzed to provide deeper insights into the research ecosystem.
Scopus Content Selection: An overview (Passcode: Us=!1sLu)
To uphold researchers' trust in Scopus information & data, Scopus content is reviewed, selected and reevaluated by an independent Content Selection and Advisory Board (CSAB). Join us to learn more about the rigorous selection process that helps to ensure Scopus's high quality.
Data and what next? Impact, analysis & management (Passcode: 48us?$aU)
A review of how Elsevier's Research Intelligence solutions work together to foster a better understanding of scientific discovery and impact.
How can I increase efficiency of my searching in Scopus?
How to work with the author profile and preprints in Scopus?
Science Direct
(angol nyelvű webináriumok)
ScienceDirect - all about the books
Explore books on Science Direct and learn how to get the most out of the platform's content and features.
ScienceDirect - all about the journals
Discover the power of journals - learn all about scientific journals on ScienceDirect
ScienceDirect - all about the Topic Pages
Our free ScienceDirect Topic Pages provide readers with a comprehensive database of reliable background and contextual knowledge making it easy to get up to speed with new and unfamiliar concepts.
Speed up your research with the top 5 ScienceDirect features
Learn how to use the best ScienceDirect features - remote access, personalized alerts and recommendations, reading history, and more.
Efficient literature search in ScienceDirect
Learn how to conduct a literature on ScienceDirect.